A revolution in urban life.

The access to opportunities should guide the development of our cities, starting now

Smart city

Roost's Connected Cities Solution emerges to contain and reduce the alarming environmental and socioeconomic repercussions that urbanization will cause on our planet.

A Smart City is a city that uses technology and planning to improve people’s lives and make better use of available resources in a human and sustainable way. It is essential that for spaces to be innovative, citizens can experience these innovations without losing the human side of cities.


We have developed several solutions whose main objectiveis to facilitate growth and socio-environmental challenges through Edge Computing.

Nowadays, there is a greater need than ever for: 

Roost provides cutting-edge visibility and control, enabling agile, efficient, and responsive operations.

Solutions for:

– Sensors, monitoring, energy, public lighting;

– Increasing connectivity through wired or wireless network layers;

– Cloud Computing from processing to data center construction;

– Orchestrating application layers such as people and vehicle recognition, traffic analysis, and access control.

Símbolo da Roost entrelaçado
Infográfico Smart Cities Roost

The revolution is here.
See what we did in Curitiba, one of the majors capitals in Brazil.

Learn how Roost helping cities become more smarter, more sustainable and resilient, while reducing operational costs.